Suffice it to say The Elder Scrolls VI - the title was announced in 2018, and yet we still don't know its release date. Henderson points out that the practice of (too) early reveals is becoming more common in the industry.This begs the question: if Star Wars: Eclipse is still that far away, why have the developers already revealed the project and even release a trailer? Paradoxically, this may be exactly due to recruitment problems. Reveal trailer is Quantic Dream's ad for publishers and developers In the context of this and the information about staffing problems, it's easy to believe that the game's release is still at least five years away. It should also be recalled that another insider reported that work on SW: Eclipse was not started until early last year. Henderson also points out that while most of the job postings on the studio's official website have been updated in recent weeks, many of them were written as far back as 2021 or even 2020 (the content has remained the same).On the contrary, Quantic Dream's Paris branch has now more than 70 vacancies, which is even more than last December. Almost three months have passed since then, but apparently the situation has not improved.The reason? A staff shortage, which was evident from job postings on Quantic Dream's official website. Previously, a source familiar with the matter reported that the release of SW: Exlipse is 3-4 years away. Tom Henderson (via Xfire) got this information from sources close to the studio. Star Wars: Eclipse doesn't have enough developers?